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SDB Ministries

Seventh Day Baptist World Federation

"Seventh Day Baptist unity in Christ and a vigorous witness throughout the world."
That was the broad goal stated by the founders of the SDB World Federation in 1964. Members of the Federation are Seventh Day Baptist conferences and conventions or groups in all parts of the world who cooperate in the purposes and program of the Federation.

Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society

The purpose of the Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society is to coordinate and carry out both national and international ministries bring the message of salvation through faith in Christ to all who will hear, so they may accept Him as Saviour.  This society also helps and supports, other countries with the goal of establishing Seventh Day Baptist churches and conferences with strong local and national leadership, thus eliminating the need for a missionary on that field.

Seventh Day Baptist Historical Society

A website with resources to learn more about SDB history. From an interactive map of Seventh Day Baptist Churches past and present, a catalogue of people and churches, to a forum.

Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education

The Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education provides programs and materials to encourage and equip Seventh Day Baptist Churches to teach evangelism, nurture, discipleship, and stewardship.

To find out more click here

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